We have strong roots to build upon, so now our focus turns toward building strength for tomorrow. God’s work is just beginning, and we aim for complete financial freedom by eliminating our debt. Where did this debt come from? God gave us a vision to grow our facilities to meet our growing community. In 2016 Trinity Klein added a Middle School building, Kids Ministry Surf Shack, and Ark Nursery facilities. These buildings overflow weekly with Kids Worship, Middle School students, ESL classes, MOPs, Bible Studies, Grow Groups, community gatherings, and more. Our goal is to eliminate the entirety of this debt to better position Trinity Klein for the future. We seek $7 million (see Data Recap sheet for further explanation) in generous offerings above and beyond the tithe over the next three years to help us achieve this goal. Ninety percent of campaign offerings will go to debt reduction; ten percent will go to mission grants.

An Invitation to Join

For over 150 years, the people of Trinity Klein have been faithfully committed to serving God, each other, and their community, but we are just getting started! God has given us just a glimpse of what can be done here in our growing northwest Houston area and across the globe. The elimination of our debt will provide the financial strength needed to reach those around us with the love of Christ.

With strong roots we are ready to build our strength for tomorrow. Will you partner with us in our journey? Every gift towards financial freedom today, strengthens Trinity’s opportunity to continue bearing witness to Christ’s love to every generation tomorrow.