Running On Empty

Pentecost 2019

John Cordrey | September 8, 2019
How much of our lives are spent either running from God or running towards things that leave us empty? In our Epistle, the slave Onesimus ran from his owner and has encountered Paul. In the time of his absence, Onesimus has become a Christian and now Paul is pleading on his behalf for mercy, that his owner would receive him back. At the end of all of our running, what greets us is the love and mercy of God, our redemption in Jesus Christ. Perhaps, it's time for us to stop running and find that God's love and mercy are real and true for us no matter what our circumstances are.
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How much of our lives are spent either running from God or running towards things that leave us empty? In our Epistle, the slave Onesimus ran from his owner and has encountered Paul. In the time of his absence, Onesimus has become a Christian and now Paul is pleading on his behalf for mercy, that his owner would receive him back. At the end of all of our running, what greets us is the love and mercy of God, our redemption in Jesus Christ. Perhaps, it's time for us to stop running and find that God's love and mercy are real and true for us no matter what our circumstances are.

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